Pet Lover Geek

Houdini Proofing Your Home

Lorien Clemens Season 9 Episode 1

Do you know that external house doors and windows are two of the top 10 reasons that dogs get lost? We got those stats from the massive national RTH study we did with the National Animal Care and Control Association – and we asked over 4K pet parents who had lost a pet in the last 5 years just HOW their pet got loose.  And things that involved the security of the pets space – yards, homes, doors, windows, etc. were the big culprits in a pet going missing. Now we’ll save the outdoor and yard escape proofing advice for another episode – but today, we’re gonna dig deep into Houdini Proofing Your House to Prevent Lost Pets. If they have the chance, many dogs and cats will take an open door or window as a chance to explore. Even if they love you and your treats and toys, they will still want to go explore. If you have an escape artist kitty or doggo or even just a curious dog or cat, Houdini-proofing your house is essential to keep them safe and sound – and you need to listen to this podcast.  

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